Hi guys.
There is something you should about about the first 2 releases:
- Turbocoptero
- Explorador (explorer)
Back then we didnt know that but as time passed we discovered a problem with the head/torso, a chemical reaction of sorts that leaves this mark on the neck.
This mark came with time and it due the contact of the head and neck. All other releases are safe from this problem.
So regarding turbo/explorer:
- if you purchase it, no matter when, it will show the mark eventually,
- best way to remove is with a hairdyer then softly pull it with a wooden tool.
- it is someking of "glue" than heat turns soft.
- if you remove it will pop again, so most people use sylicone to avoid it.
It was a really turn off but it is safe to point that it was solved.
Estrela did help us and we could send the defect body and they sent us a new one, but sadly this recall couldnt be done by overseas and foreign costumers.