Captain Bludd is with the new Robotics Maintenance Man.
“Ivan, firstly let me say. I’d like to welcome you to the Council of Gangrene. Looking through your application for this job, I can see that you are definitely very skilled at working with robots.”
“Thank you very much Captain Bludd for recognising my robotic skills. I treat all robots as if they were my friends. I feel like I truly connect with them. I also collect the old Japanese toy robots.”
Captain Bludd does not reply to anything that Ivan has just said. He starts instead by explaining what will be involved in his job.
“Your job is to extend the life of the robots. This would involve painting them when they look like they are needing a touch up; lubricating them; changing their hydraulic fluid; cleaning them regularly; replacing minor robotic parts if needed and testing their robotic fighting skills.”
“Well let’s get going then. Let’s begin by introducing you to the robots.” Gangrene leads Ivan out of the room.
Ivan is shown the two toxic robots by Captain Bludd. “These two robots, as you can see with their vicious stabbing arms, are programmed to kill with one SLASH. A head can be swiped off cleanly with one strike. If we capture an unwanted guest and they aren’t cooperating with us, we use one of these robots to torture them.” “Captain Bludd I am so looking forward to seeing them in action and keeping their maintenance up to scratch. I can hardly wait to get started!”
“Ivan, we are wanting you to design a new robot. We want you to build it any program it. We are looking for a robot that can be paired with a guard in the watch tower. The robot must be able to man the machine gun and also scan the area looking for people who are attempting to infiltrate our HQ.”
Ivan’s response to Captain Bludd is, “I am certainly up for the challenge sir.
I’m Dedicated to serving Professor Gangrene as One of His Loyal Minions.