Thanks Alex And Chip ,
I really do prefer the vintage action man Alex , But if it looks good & I have money in the bank & it catches my eye then for sure I will purchase it. I have been purchasing quite a lot the last few months As over the last few months, I can think to myself that's enough & then something appears a day or two later & I'm like Waaaaaaaaw.
.I need to take a break from the spending though.
And try and maybe do o photo shoots.
Many Thanks Chip for your compliments on the collection there's more to come in time And I am just so pleased to have joined Ammo forum. I just want like minded people to receive the same endorphins being released , That I get from seeing some of the pieces in my collection & I Also get to try my eye at the photography side of action figures and try my hand at like a kind of photo comic kind of a thing. Speak to you soon my friends