Discovered another "Parson's" jacket in my spares box, so I've 'bashed another addition to my US Army ETO ranks, This time a communications operator...
Jacket is possibly Dragon, unsure as I bought several in a job lot a few years ago. Belt, grenades and helmet are standard Hasbro issue and the carbine and map case are from the GI Joe Marine Communications set...
Boots, pants, canteen/cover and first aid pouch are all Hasbro Action Soldier standard issue. Field radio comes from the GI Joe WWII 50th Anniversary Army General figure. Note that it is a different shade of green from the one in the Command Post set...
Shirt dickie and tie are by Cotswold. Ammo bag is of unknown origin; again part of a job lot I purchased...
All modelled on a 40th painted head fella.