I'm a bit late in posting this, as I had to find the female version, which I finally did.
This is the last of the modern Adventure Team figures I have. Once again there is the mention of the Black Dragon
gang. With a TM mark. I think Hasbro was apparently thinking of making the gang, but never did. Or else they just
wanted to make sure no one else would make the gang?
Story on the back of the box, in short.
The Adventure Team arrives, villagers tell them dozens of alligators that can't be stopped. After study it's found that
the gators are mechanized and guard an island compound. The team uses a jamming device to disable them, but
upon entering the base they run into a real alligator. They subdue the gator with a noose and net. The team then storms
the base and takes the gang by surprise. As the team loads on to the extraction helicopters, they let the gator go to
slither back into the savage swamp.
This box, instead of the original GI Joe logo, has the Real American Hero logo.
The box isn't exactly flat, so there is some parts that are not clear when scanned. The set has five photos
of the different figures that one could get.
From left is AA, caucasion, what I believe to be hispanic, asian and the female.
The instructions included, showing the gator and the noose.
I have two of the five figures, since there has been only one female made for the Adventure Team I made sure to get one of her.
She was the first version of this set that I bought.
What's nice is that the gator is actually 1/6 scale, as opposed to the one in a vintage set.
Besides the noose and weighted net, this set includes a pistol. The female figure wearing the hat looks like a skinny guy.
Some Joe collectors have said that the head sculpt for this female is ugly. It certainly isn't as attractive as the heads used for
the helicopter pilot and the Vietnam Nurse.
The alligator with the mouth open, and shut.
Pushing a button on its back opens the mouth, pushing down on its tongue closes the mouth.
The second version of the set I got was what I believe to be a hispanic version. The box shows the AT logo, the kung-fu grip logo,
and the Real American Hero logo instead of the original Joe logo. As far as I know this is the only one to have the later logo. This
box is marked as 2003.
The inner sleeve of the box, I haven't taken this figure out yet.
A closer look at the head sculpt.
A vintage set called Mouth of Doom had a gator about three times the length of Joe's boot. A baby gator?
So I like the fact that this one is more in scale. The gator in the Gangrene set is the same as this one, but with
some color painted on it.